
data class HMSPollQuestion(val questionID: Int, val type: HMSPollQuestionType, val text: String, val canSkip: Boolean = false, val canChangeResponse: Boolean = true, val duration: Long = 0, val weight: Int = 0, val answerShortMinLength: Long? = 1, val answerLongMinLength: Long? = null, val options: List<HMSPollQuestionOption>? = null, val correctAnswer: HMSPollQuestionAnswer? = null, val negative: Boolean = false, val myResponses: MutableList<HmsPollAnswer> = mutableListOf())


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fun HMSPollQuestion(questionID: Int, type: HMSPollQuestionType, text: String, canSkip: Boolean = false, canChangeResponse: Boolean = true, duration: Long = 0, weight: Int = 0, answerShortMinLength: Long? = 1, answerLongMinLength: Long? = null, options: List<HMSPollQuestionOption>? = null, correctAnswer: HMSPollQuestionAnswer? = null, negative: Boolean = false, myResponses: MutableList<HmsPollAnswer> = mutableListOf())


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@SerializedName(value = "answer_max_len")
val answerLongMinLength: Long? = null
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@SerializedName(value = "answer_min_len")
val answerShortMinLength: Long? = 1
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@SerializedName(value = "once")
val canChangeResponse: Boolean = true
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@SerializedName(value = "skippable")
val canSkip: Boolean = false
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@SerializedName(value = "answer")
val correctAnswer: HMSPollQuestionAnswer? = null
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@SerializedName(value = "duration")
val duration: Long = 0
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The responses provided by the current user for the question.

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@SerializedName(value = "negative")
val negative: Boolean = false
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@SerializedName(value = "options")
val options: List<HMSPollQuestionOption>? = null
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@SerializedName(value = "index")
val questionID: Int
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@SerializedName(value = "text")
val text: String
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var total: Int = 0
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@SerializedName(value = "type")
val type: HMSPollQuestionType
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@SerializedName(value = "weight")
val weight: Int = 0