
Information about the preview request. May contain success or failure.


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abstract fun onError(error: HMSException)

Called when the SDK has encountered an error

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abstract fun onPeerUpdate(type: HMSPeerUpdate, peer: HMSPeer)

Called if there is any update related to the HMSPeer

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open fun onPermissionsRequested(permissions: List<String>)
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abstract fun onPreview(room: HMSRoom, localTracks: Array<HMSTrack>)

If the generation of a preview was successful, information about the room joined and the tracks will be sent.

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abstract fun onRoomUpdate(type: HMSRoomUpdate, hmsRoom: HMSRoom)

Called if there is any update related to the HMSRoom

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open fun peerListUpdated(addedPeers: ArrayList<HMSPeer>?, removedPeers: ArrayList<HMSPeer>?)

Called when new peers are added to peerlist. Use this to show the list of peers on UI This is called with the intial set of peer on joining a room as well as with update list of peers if some peer joins or leaves the room