
It all comes down to this. All the setup so far has been done so that we can show live-streaming videos in our beautiful app.

100ms Flutter Package provides the HMSVideoView widget that renders the video on the screen.

We simply have to pass a Video Track object to the HMSVideoView to begin automatic rendering of Live Video Stream.

We can also optionally pass props like key, scaleType, mirror or matchParent to customize the HMSVideoView widget.

HMSVideoView( track: videoTrack, key: Key(videoTrack.trackId), ),

How to get HMSVideoTrack

This section contains info about how to get video tracks so that we can display them on screen.

HMSVideoTrack is used to render video in HMSVideoView. Single HMSVideoView can be attached to only one HMSVideoTrack.

For resetting the track or updating any property in HMSVideoView it is required to use the new HMSVideoView widget.

To get tracks we will be listening to HMSUpdateListener's onTrackUpdate.

onTrackUpdate provides updates for both Audio & Video tracks so to segregate them we can put a check like below:

/// check if the track is video or audio /// For Audio track.kind == HMSTrackKind.kHMSTrackKindAudio /// For Video track.kind == HMSTrackKind.kHMSTrackKindVideo

Let's see an example of how we can extract the video tracks from onTrackUpdate:

class Meeting implements HMSUpdateListener{ late HMSSDK hmsSDK; ... void onTrackUpdate( {required HMSTrack track, required HMSTrackUpdate trackUpdate, required HMSPeer peer}) { if (track.kind == HMSTrackKind.kHMSTrackKindVideo) { //We will get all the video tracks if(track.source == "REGULAR"){ //We will get only camera feed(Normal Video) tracks of peer here if(peer.isLocal){ //We will get the local peer video track here } else{ //We will get the remote peer video tracks here } } else{ //To get screenshare or other video tracks from peers //For screenshare if(track.source == "SCREEN"){ //We will get screen share track here } } } } }

Now, once we have the video tracks we can pass the video track to HMSVideoView to get live video on the screen. Screenshare as well as normal video tracks can be rendered in the same way which we will see below.

HMSSDK automatically handles audio tracks. So they are not required to be handled in the application. Although mute/unmute or set audio volume features are provided by SDK.

Render Video

This section contains information about how we can render the video once we have the track.

To display video tracks HMSSDK provides the HMSVideoView widget. We just need to pass the track which is HMSVideoTrack instance to get our video running as:

//videoTrack is an instance of HMSVideoTrack HMSVideoView(track: videoTrack);

Configuring video view

HMSVideoView has several properties to configure the way video is rendered as:

1. matchParent (Deprecated)

This is a bool type parameter, true indicates that HMSVideoView can take the size of parent widget. It will have no impact on the functionality or behavior of the HMSVideoView component. In upcoming versions of the HMSSDK, this deprecated property will be completely removed.

2. scaleType

The ScaleType property decides how much space the video will take from the available space. ScaleType is an enum with values:

enum ScaleType { //Video maintains the aspect ratio so it only occupies space based on the aspect ratio SCALE_ASPECT_FIT, //Video occupies all the available space and may get cropped SCALE_ASPECT_FILL, //Video aspect ratio is balanced similar to SCALE_ASPECT_FIT SCALE_ASPECT_BALANCED }

🔑 Note: SCALE_ASPECT_FIT is the default scaleType for HMSVideoView

SCALE_ASPECT_FILL might crop the video if the parent widget is small. So, for cases like screen share where cropping is not acceptable use the default type i.e SCALE_ASPECT_FIT.

3. setMirror

This is a bool type parameter, true indicates that the video feed gets mirrored and false shows the track as it is. Generally true for local peer and false for a remote peers

4. disableAutoSimulcastLayerSelect

HMSVideoView has an automatic simulcast layer selection capability which is enabled if adaptive bitrate is enabled. You can check more about it here.

It will select a layer that best matches the current view frame size and reacts to frame updates. In case manual layer selection is preferred set disableAutoSimulcastLayerSelect property to true. By default, the track layer is set to high.

Always pass the Key parameter to HMSVideoView with the unique Video Track's trackId value so that it can be disposed of and reset correctly during rebuilds.

Capture Snapshot

You can capture a snapshot of the video stream of a local or remote peer's video. To capture a snapshot, you call captureSnapshot method on HMSVideoTrack instance to get a Uint8List containing a snapshot of the video stream. Know more about captureSnapshot here.

HMSVideoTrack videoTrack; ... //Capture snapshot Uint8List? bytes = await videoTrack.captureSnapshot();

Best Practices

Dispose HMSVideoView to conserve bandwidth and cleanup elements

Remove the HMSVideoView from UI and it will not render its video & conserve network bandwidth.

It is always advised to stop rendering video when it is not required to save bandwidth consumption. This is done in the example app by setting the isOffscreen property of PeerTrackNode as true when the peer tile is off-screen. So that app does not download the video track when the tile is off-screen.

Limit the number of HMSVideoView on-screen at a time

HMSVideoView internally uses SurfaceView in android and UiKitView in iOS. It is recommended to render at most 4-6 videos at a time on-screen and rest should be paginated for better performance.

Check out our fully featured Example app here.

Display Screen Share Tracks without getting cropped from edges

A peer in Room can broadcast their Screen from any platform like Web, Android, iOS, etc. If a peer shares their Screen from Web & the viewer is on a Mobile platform, some content on the Screen can get cropped. It's necessary to configure the HMSVideoView correctly to ensure the complete Screen share content is visible without any clipping/cropping from edges.

Always create the HMSVideoView with ScaleType as ScaleType.SCALE_ASPECT_FIT for correctly showing Screenshare Tracks.

Let's look at the implementation:

HMSVideoView( track: screenShareTrack, // pass the screen share track here scaleType: ScaleType.SCALE_ASPECT_FIT, // always set to Aspect Fit for Screenshare Tracks key: Key(videoTrack.trackId), // set a unique identifier using the trackId )

HMSVideoView Widget

The 100ms Video View Widget named HMSVideoView is built over the Stateless Widget. This HMSVideoView widget and all of its available properties are listed below.

class HMSVideoView extends StatelessWidget { /// This will render video with trackId present in the track /// [track] - the video track to be displayed final HMSVideoTrack track; // [matchParent] - to match the size of the parent widget ///@Deprecated("matchParent is not longer necessary and will be removed in future version") final bool matchParent; // [scaleType] - To set the video scaling final ScaleType scaleType; // [setMirror] - To set mirroring of video final bool setMirror; // [disableAutoSimulcastLayerSelect] - To disable auto simulcast (Adaptive Bitrate) final bool disableAutoSimulcastLayerSelect; }

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