Release Notes

Latest Versions

hms_room_kitPub Version
hmssdk_flutterPub Version
hms_video_pluginPub Version

1.10.5 - 2024-07-25



  • Noise Cancellation initial state customisation

    Noise cancellation initial state can now be customised from the prebuilt customiser.

Uses Android SDK 2.9.64 & iOS SDK 1.15.0

Full Changelog: 1.10.4...1.10.5

1.10.4 - 2024-07-01



  • Live Transcription in webRTC calls

    HMSSDK now provides support for transcription in webRTC calls. You can now start/stop transcription using HMSTranscriptionController methods. HMSSDK provides also provides callbacks for transcription start/stop events. Learn more about it here

  • Applications no longer need to request permissions for camera, microphone etc. HMSSDK handles the permissions internally. Checkout the permissions guide


  • Introducing live transcription options in prebuilt

    Prebuilt now supports live transcription for better accessibility. Users can enable or disable live transcription from the prebuilt interface.

Uses Android SDK 2.9.59 & iOS SDK 1.12.0

Full Changelog: 1.10.3...1.10.4

1.10.3 - 2024-06-12



  • Hand Raise can now be controlled from dashboard

    Hand Raise feature can now be enabled or disabled from the dashboard prebuilt customiser.


  • Introducing support for Virtual Background and Blur

    Users can now use virtual background and blur features in their video calls using the hms_video_plugin. Learn more about the feature here

Uses Android SDK 2.9.59 & iOS SDK 1.12.0

Full Changelog: 1.10.2...1.10.3

1.10.2 - 2024-05-15



  • Introducing Whiteboard support in HMSSDK

    HMSSDK now provides support for Whiteboard. You can now start/stop a whiteboard using HMSWhiteboardController methods. HMSSDK provides also provides callbacks for whiteboard start/stop events. Learn more about it here

  • HLS Layer methods

    HLS Stream Layers can be controlled using the HMSHLSPlayerController's getHLSLayers and setHLSLayer methods. Learn more about the methods here

  • onPeerListUpdate event on HMSPreviewListener

    The onPeerListUpdate event is now available on HMSPreviewListener to get updates on the peer list. Learn more about it here


  • Whiteboard support in Prebuilt

    Prebuilt now supports whiteboard for better collaboration. Users can create, manage, and stop whiteboards directly from the prebuilt interface.

  • Introducing option to select layers in HLS Player

    HLS Player now supports layer selection from HLS Player Settings.

Uses Android SDK 2.9.56 & iOS SDK 1.10.0

Full Changelog: 1.10.1...1.10.2

1.10.1 - 2024-04-26



  • Support for captions in HLS Player

    HMSSDK now provides support for captions in HLS Player. You can now enable or disable captions in the HLS Player using the HMSHLSPlayerController methods. Moreover HMSSDK provides a new onCues callback to get captions. Learn more about it here


  • Support for captions in HLS Player UI

    HLS Player now supports captions for better accessibility. This can be enabled or disabled from the player settings.

  • Introducing Landscape Mode for HLS Player

    HLS Player now supports landscape mode for better viewing experience.

Uses Android SDK 2.9.54 & iOS SDK 1.9.0

Full Changelog: 1.10.0...1.10.1

1.10.0 - 2024-04-22



  • Noise Cancellation Integration

    You can enhance your app's audio quality with the newly integrated Noise Cancellation feature in HMSSDK. With this addition, control Noise Cancellation settings through the HMSNoiseCancellationController

    Learn more about leveraging this capability in your app by checking the documentation here.

  • SIP Capability

    HMSSDK now offers a way to differentiate between SIP and non-SIP users in the Room. You can use the type property in the HMSPeer class to check if a peer is a SIP user.

    Learn more about SIP Capabilities here.

  • HMSHLSPlayer now uses Hybrid Composition on Android for better performance.


  • Newly designed UI for SIP Peers

    SIP peers will now have a newly designed UI to match the overall theme of the application.

  • Enhanced Prebuilt with Noise Cancellation

    Prebuilt supports noise cancellation out of the box. Users can enable or disable noise cancellation from the prebuilt interface.

  • All-New HLS Player Interface

    HLS Player now has a new look and feel to enhance the overall user experience.

  • Removed flutter_foreground_task dependency from prebuilt

    Prebuilt no longer uses flutter_foreground_task package. For apps that require foreground service, the package can be added on the application level.

Uses Android SDK 2.9.54 & iOS SDK 1.8.0

Full Changelog: 1.9.14...1.10.0

1.9.14 - 2024-04-01



  • Resolved an issue on iOS where video appears stretched in landscape mode

Uses Android SDK 2.9.51 & iOS SDK 1.8.0

Full Changelog: 1.9.13...1.9.14

1.9.13 - 2024-03-15



  • Leave Room Immediately if the app is killed(iOS only)

    HMSSDK automatically triggers the leave method call when the iOS application is terminated.


  • Ability to join rooms directly without a preview

    Prebuilt now allows direct room joining without preview, customizable via the dashboard's Customize Prebuilt section.

Updated to Android SDK 2.9.51 & iOS SDK 1.6.0

Full Changelog: 1.9.12...1.9.13

1.9.12 - 2024-03-04



  • Introducing methods to fetch polls, questions, leaderboards and results

    Users can now fetch polls based on the poll state, questions for a poll and poll results using the fetchPollList, fetchPollQuestions and getPollResults methods. Checkout the docs here


  • Ability to fetch concluded and draft polls

    Prebuilt now fetches all the polls happened during the session. Additionally, users can now retrieve draft polls from other platforms and launch them.

  • Ability to join Room using Auth Token

    Prebuilt now supports joining rooms using Auth Token along with Room codes

Updated to Android SDK 2.9.4 & iOS SDK 1.6.0

Full Changelog: 1.9.11...1.9.12

1.9.11 - 2024-02-26



  • Introducing Leaderboard APIs

    Users can now fetch Rankings and Quiz Summary using the fetchLeaderboard method. More information about the Leaderboard can be found here


  • Introducing Leaderboards to our Quiz experience

    Adding Leaderboard to our Quizzes with Leaderboard Summary and Rankings.

Updated to Android SDK 2.9.4 & iOS SDK 1.5.1

Full Changelog: 1.9.10...1.9.11

1.9.10 - 2024-02-16



  • Introducing Quizzes

    Users can now seamlessly create, answer, and manage quizzes using HMSSDK.

    More information about Quizzes can be found here.


  • Introducing quizzes on Prebuilt

    Users can now create, manage, and stop quizzes directly from the prebuilt interface

Updated to Android SDK 2.9.0 & iOS SDK 1.5.0

Full Changelog: 1.9.9...1.9.10

1.9.9 - 2024-02-12



  • Introducing Polls

    • APIs for Comprehensive Poll Management:

      • quickStartPoll to start polls
      • addSingleChoicePollResponse & addMultiChoicePollResponse for adding single and multi choice response
      • stopPoll to stop polls
    • Poll Update Listeners for Real-Time Notifications:

      • Use addPollUpdateListener to start listening to poll updates
      • Use removePollUpdateListener to stop listening to poll updates
    • Enhanced Poll Permissions within HMSPermissions:

      • pollRead property ensures controlled read access to poll results and details.
      • pollWrite property enables secure write access, allowing for poll creation and response submission.

    More information about Polls can be found here.


  • Introducing polls on prebuilt

    Users can now create, manage, and stop polls directly from the prebuilt interface.

Updated to Android SDK 2.9.0 & iOS SDK 1.5.0

Full Changelog: 1.9.8...1.9.9

1.9.8 - 2024-02-01



  • Fixed broadcast receiver issues on android 14 devices

    Learn more about this issue here

Full Changelog: 1.9.7...1.9.8

1.9.7 - 2024-01-18



  • Added Auto-Hide Top & Bottom Bars after 5 seconds in Prebuilt UI

    Top & Bottom Bars will be hidden after 5 seconds of inactivity.

Updated Android SDK to 2.8.8 and iOS SDK to 1.4.2

Full Changelog: 1.9.6...1.9.7

1.9.6 - 2024-01-16



  • Added isLargeRoom property in HMSRoom class to check whether the current room is a large room or not

  • setSessionMetadataForKey method now supports dynamic type for data parameter instead of String? type.

    Learn more about Session Store here.


  • Added Enhanced Chat Controls

    • đź“Ś Pin and Hide Messages

      Elevate your chat experience with our new room kit feature. Effortlessly pin messages to keep them visible at the top of your chat, or hide messages to remove them from view.

    • đź”’ Chat Moderation

      Gain more control over your chat environment. You can now temporarily block peers within a session, preventing them from sending messages.

    • đź‘Ą Recipient Selector

      Communication tailored to your needs. Send broadcast messages, reach specific groups or roles, and initiate direct messages (DMs) to particular peers with ease.

    • đź“‹ Copy Messages

      Simplify your interactions. Copy any message quickly with just a single tap, enhancing your chat efficiency.

  • Added Skip Preview for Role Change functionality

    100ms Prebuilt now supports skipping preview screen, while changing roles. This can be configured from 100ms dashboard. If preview screen is skipped, then mic and camera will be muted by default.

Updated to Android SDK 2.8.5 & iOS SDK 1.4.1

Full Changelog: 1.9.5...1.9.6

1.9.5 - 2023-12-15



  • Added state property to recording and streaming classes to get the current state of recording and streaming.

    Learn more about HMSStreamingState and HMSRecordingState here.


  • Removed addTrackByDefault property from HMSTextureView.

    This should not affect any existing implementation as addTrackByDefault was set to true by default. Learn more about HMSTextureView here.

1.9.4 - 2023-12-08



  • Added HMSTextureView for improved performance of video rendering on Android devices. This is an alternative to HMSVideoView which is based on SurfaceView.

    Learn more about HMSTextureView here.

Updated to Android SDK 2.8.3 & iOS SDK 1.3.1

Full Changelog: 1.9.3...1.9.4

1.9.3 - 2023-11-17


  • Added Subscriber Stats for improved debugging of subscription issues.

Updated to Android SDK 2.8.1 & iOS SDK 1.3.0

Full Changelog: 1.9.2...1.9.3

1.9.2 - 2023-11-09


  • Auto simulcast in HMSVideoView correctly picks the layers based on the size of the view.

  • Resolved an issue where after a Call Interruption the voices of users were robotic

  • Resolved an issue where certain DateTime formats prevented users from joining a Room

  • Removed default usage of Software Echo Cancellation. Now, by default Hardware echo cancellation will be used. More information is available here

Updated to Android SDK 2.8.0 & iOS SDK 1.2.0

Full Changelog: 1.9.1...1.9.2

1.9.1 - 2023-11-03


  • Fixed a bug where peerLeft was not getting fired even in case of a broadcaster.

Updated to Android SDK 2.7.9 & iOS SDK 1.1.0

Full Changelog: 1.9.0...1.9.1

1.9.0 - 2023-10-16


  • Large Room Support

    • Added first class "Hand Raise" apis: raiseLocalPeerHand, lowerLocalPeerHand, lowerRemotePeerHand
    • Added onPeerListUpdate event on HMSUpdateListener, This requires overriding the onPeerListUpdate method in all implementations of HMSUpdateListener.
    • Added "Peer List Iterator" APIs - getPeerListIterator

    For more details refer here

  • Added isHandRaised property on HMSPeer class instance

  • Added initialising property on HMSBrowserRecordingState class instance

Updated to Android SDK 2.7.7 & iOS SDK 1.1.0

Full Changelog: 1.8.0...1.9.0

1.8.0 - 2023-09-15


  • Added previewForRole & cancelPreview APIs to preview the audio / video of a particular role before changing into the new Role.

    // preview video of a particular role await hmsSDK.previewForRole(role: "viewer-on-stage"); // cancel preview await hmsSDK.cancelPreview();

    Learn more about Change Role here


  • Starting HLS Streaming will now return an appropriate HMSException when any error happens to start the streaming.
    Future<HMSException?> startHlsStreaming( {HMSHLSConfig? hmshlsConfig, HMSActionResultListener? hmsActionResultListener})

Updated to Android SDK 2.7.6 & iOS SDK 0.9.12

Full Changelog: 1.7.5...1.8.0

1.7.5 - 2023-08-18

Bug fixes and performance improvements

Updated to Android SDK 2.7.3 & iOS SDK 0.9.9

Full Changelog: 1.7.4...1.7.5

1.7.4 - 2023-08-18

Bug fixes and performance improvements

Updated to Android SDK 2.7.3 & iOS SDK 0.9.9

Full Changelog: 1.7.3...1.7.4

1.7.3 - 2023-08-03


  • Added toggleAlwaysScreenOn method to enable the wakelock functionalities

    This method allows you to toggle always screen on mode which prevents the screen from turning off automatically.

    Read more about the toggleAlwaysScreenOn method here

  • Added initialising property in HMSBrowserRecordingState class

    The initialising property provides information whether the recording in the room is intialising

    Read more about the HMSBrowserRecordingState class here

Updated to Android SDK 2.7.2 & iOS SDK 0.9.6

Full Changelog: 1.7.2...1.7.3

1.7.2 - 2023-07-14


  • Reduced SDK & App binary size on Android by removing redundant package imports

Updated to Android SDK 2.7.1 & iOS SDK 0.9.5

Full Changelog: 1.7.1...1.7.2

1.7.1 - 2023-06-30


  • Added phoneCallState property in HMSAudioTrackSetting

    The phoneCallState property can be used to set the microphone state when you receive a phone call.

    Read more about the phoneCallState property here.

Updated to Android SDK 2.6.8 & iOS SDK 0.9.5

Full Changelog: 1.7.0...1.7.1

1.7.0 - 2023-06-20


  • Removed Session Metadata methods

    The setSessionMetadata and getSessionMetadata methods which were deprecated in previous versions have been removed now.

    Utilize the Session Store functionality which is more convenient to implement features like Spotlight a Peer in Room, Keep a Message Pinned, etc. Read more about Session Store here.


  • Added HLS Player

    Introducing the 100ms HLS Player named HMSHLSPlayer a comprehensive end-to-end solution for playing Live Streaming content with inbuilt support for Timed Metadata, HLS Diagnostic Stats & Custom Player Controls.

    Learn more about HMSHLSPlayer here.

  • Switch Audio Output using Native iOS UI

    On iOS devices, you can now show the Native Airplay UI provided by iOS. Users can control the connected device which can be Airpods, any Bluetooth earphones, Wired Headsets, etc through which the Room's audio should be routed.

    Learn more about it here.

  • Added messageId to HMSMessage

    You can now uniquely identify a message using the messageId property of HMSMessage class.

    Checkout more about messaging here.

  • Publisher Stats

    SDK now sends detailed analytics from the WebRTC publisher side for enhanced debugging of call quality issues.


  • RTMP Streaming can now be started without the meetingUrl. It is now an optional parameter. Learn more about RTMP Streaming here.

  • Software Audio Echo Cancellation is now enabled by default. To further customize Audio & Video Track Settings, refer the docs here.

  • On Android, Screen share from a remote peer will now appear correctly in the center, occupying the space provided by the enclosing widget. Read more about Screen Share here.

Updated to Android SDK 2.6.7 & iOS SDK 0.9.5

Full Changelog: 1.6.0...1.7.0

1.6.0 - 2023-05-05

New Features

  • Session Store

    You can now use Session Store, a shared real-time key-value store accessible by everyone in the Room. This can be used to implement new features such as Pinned Messages and Spotlight Video Tiles, which brings a particular peer to the center stage for everyone in the Room.

    Learn more about Session Store here.

    If upgrading from an older version to 1.6.0 or above, override the new method onSessionStoreAvailable.

    class Meeting implements HMSUpdateLister { ... void onSessionStoreAvailable( {HMSSessionStore? hmsSessionStore}) { ... } }

    Checkout more about updating for Session Store here.

  • Music Mode on iOS

    The latest update adds the ability to achieve high-quality audio recordings with full, rich sound, whether you are recording music, podcasts, or any other type of audio.

    Learn more about the Music Mode here.


  • Android version 12+: We've made changes to Android 12+ so that adding PIP declaration in the Manifest file is now optional, except for those using the PIP Feature.

    Check out more in the Picture-in-Picture (PIP) documentation.

  • This version includes a significant improvement in the usability of Local Audio Share APIs. By optimizing the ergonomics, we have made it more intuitive and user-friendly for you to interact with these APIs.

    Read more about Local Audio Share here.

Updated to Android SDK 2.6.2 & iOS SDK 0.9.3

Full Changelog: 1.5.0...1.6.0

1.5.0 - 2023-04-21


  • Updated Screen share and Audio share implementation in Android

    The latest update includes changes in the implementation of Screen share and Audio share on Android. If you are using Screenshare or Local Audio Share functionalities, upgrading to this version or above will require changes to be made to the onActivityResult method of MainActivity.kt.

    More details are available in the Migration Guide listed below:


  • Camera Control Capabilities

    The latest update includes the ability to capture an image from a local peer feed at the maximum resolution supported by the Camera, and the ability to control the phone's flash (if supported).

    Read more about the Camera Controls here.

  • Enter PIP Mode automatically

    The new update allows for automatic entry into PIP mode for all Android versions upon minimizing the application.

    Read more about adding PIP Mode here.


  • Improved logging capabilities in SDK for a more efficient and streamlined logging process.

    Read more about using Logging here.

Updated to Android SDK 2.6.1 & iOS SDK 0.9.2

Full Changelog: 1.4.0...1.5.0

1.4.0 - 2023-04-06


  • Join using Room Codes

    • Room Codes is a streamlined and secure way to manage user authentication in Rooms.
    • By generating short codes via getAuthTokenByRoomCode API, you can easily manage user access with one code per role for each room, without the need for server infrastructure
    • This feature ensures a smoother login experience for users while enhancing security.

    You can read more about Room Codes here.


  • Improved Logging capabilities to help you diagnose and debug performance and user-reported issues more effectively

Updated to Android SDK 2.6.0 & iOS SDK 0.9.1

Full Changelog: 1.3.3...1.4.0

1.3.3 - 2023-03-22


  • Fixed an issue in Android PIP Mode wherein the PIP window showed black tile if the device is locked and then unlocked

  • Android PIP window will now automatically close if the Peer is removed from the Room

  • Updated the 100ms Quickstart, GetX, MobX & Riverpod based Sample apps

Updated to Android SDK 2.5.9 & iOS SDK 0.7.1

Full Changelog: 1.3.2...1.3.3

1.3.2 - 2023-03-09


  • Corrected an issue with DateTime parsing where joining failed on iOS devices behind UTC Timezone

Using Android SDK 2.5.7 & iOS SDK 0.6.4

Full Changelog: 1.3.1...1.3.2

1.3.1 - 2023-02-27


  • Performance improvements for Picture-in-Picture (PIP) mode on iOS
  • Improved Disconnected State detection on certain Networks
  • Gracefully handling of null objects

Updated to Android SDK 2.5.7 & iOS SDK 0.6.4

Full Changelog: 1.3.0...1.3.1

1.3.0 - 2023-02-01


  • Removed Start / Stop Capturing APIs on Local Video Tracks. Use toggleCameraMuteState to mute / unmute video of local peer as mentioned in Guide here.


  • Added support for PIP Mode on iOS

    Now on iOS devices you can show a Picture-in-Picture(PIP) window while your app is in Background. You can configure the PIP window to show the Video of currently speaking Peer, or a Screenshare happening in Room, a Remote Peer's video in 1-to-1 Video Calls, etc

    To learn more about PIP & how to implement it in your apps, refer the PIP Guide here.

  • Added HMSPIPAndroidController to easily configure & use PIP Mode on Android

    PIP Mode support was available on Android since version 1.0.0. With this release we have made it more easy & simple to setup PIP on Android devices. Use the new HMSPIPAndroidController class to configure & start playing your Live Videos when your app is in Background. Refer the PIP Guide here.

  • Added Capture Snapshot API to capture a frame of the video track being rendered

    With the new captureSnapshot() method on HMSVideoTrack you can instantly capture a frame of any Video being rendered on screen. You can use this to capture moments of a Peer's Video, or a Screenshare happening in Room, etc. To learn more about how to use Capture Snapshot refer the Guide here.


  • Deprecated direct passing of AppGroup & PreferredExtension while building HMSSDK for iOS Screenshare. Use the new HMSIOSScreenshareConfig class for starting Screenshare from iOS Devices. For more details, refer the Screnshare Guide here.

  • Deprecated switchAudio and switchVideo functions to mute/unmute Audio/Video of local peer. Use toggleMicMuteState and toggleCameraMuteState functions as mentioned in the Guide here.


  • Corrected an issue where doing multiple Role Changes stopped working
  • Corrected an issue where video views were getting recreated

Updated to Android SDK 2.5.7 & iOS SDK 0.6.2

Full Changelog: 1.2.0...1.3.0

1.2.0 - 2023-01-13


  • Made await while building HMSSDK Required

    Adding await to the build() method was optional earlier. It has been made Required now to eliminate edge cases where SDK initialization did not complete before invocation of join() method. Adding await ensures that an instance of HMSSDK is available before any further usages.

    hmsSDK = HMSSDK(); await; // NEW: adding await while invoking build method on HMSSDK is now Required hmsSDK.addUpdateListener(listener:this); HMSConfig config = HMSConfig(authToken: 'eyJH5c', // client-side token generated from your token service userName: 'John Appleseed'); hmsSDK.join(config: config);


  • Added support for Adaptive Bitrate (Simulcast)

    Adaptive Bitrate refers to features that enable dynamic adjustments in video quality to optimize for end-user experience under diverse network conditions.

    To learn more about how ABR works & how it enhances your app, refer the guide here.

  • Using HMSVideoView on Android

    HMSVideoView on Android provides a better abstraction to render live video and handles edge cases like managing Release/Init states. It has in-built support to subscribe to video of the correct resolution.

    To learn more about Rendering Video, refer the guide here.

  • Added Simulcast support for RTC Stats

    RTC Call Stats are updated to show Simulcast layer data if available for Local Peer's Video Track. This can be used to diagnose user experience with metrics such as Audio/Video Bitrate, Round Trip Time, Packet loss, etc.

    To learn more about using RTC Call Stats, refer the guide here.


  • Sending correct joined_at property on Android indicating the time when the peer joins the Room

  • Logging error messages when the App Group used for starting Screenshare from iOS is incorrect

  • On Android, the onJoin updates will now be triggered before onPeerUpdate when a user joins the room

Updated to Android SDK 2.5.6 & iOS SDK 0.5.5

Full Changelog: 1.1.0...1.2.0

1.1.0 - 2022-12-17


  • Added support for Bulk Role Change

    Bulk Role Change is used when you want to convert all Roles from a list of Roles, to another Role.

    For example, if peers join a room with a Waiting Role and now you want to change all these peers to Viewer Role then use the changeRoleOfPeersWithRoles API.

    // fetch all available Roles in the room List<HMSRole> roles = await hmsSDK.getRoles(); // get the Host Role object HMSRole toHostRole = roles.firstWhere((element) => == "host"); // get list of Roles to be updated - in this case "Waiting" and "Guest" Roles roles.retainWhere((element) => (( == "waiting") || ( == "guest"))); // now perform Role Change of all peers in "Waiting" and "Guest" Roles to the "Host" Role hmsSDK.changeRoleOfPeersWithRoles( toRole: toHostRole, ofRoles: roles, hmsActionResultListener: hmsActionResultListener);

    For More Information, refer:

  • Added Switch Audio Output APIs on iOS

    Audio Output Routing is helpful when users want to switch output to a connected device other than the default one.

    hmsSDK.switchAudioOutput(audioDevice: HMSAudioDevice.SPEAKER_PHONE);

    For More Information, refer:


  • Deprecated changeRole API in favour of changeRoleOfPeer

    No change in functionality or method signature.


  • Microphone not getting captured on Role Change from a non-publishing to publishing Role on iOS
  • Corrected an issue where on iOS a default Audio Mixer was getting created if Track Settings was passed while building the HMSSDK instance

Updated to Native Android SDK 2.5.4 & Native iOS SDK 0.5.3

Full Changelog: 1.0.0...1.1.0

1.0.0 - 2022-12-09


  • Added support for Picture in Picture mode on Android

    PIP Mode lets the user watch the room video in a small window pinned to a corner of the screen while navigating between apps or browsing content on the main screen.

    Example implementation for checking device support & enabling PIP mode:

    // to start PIP mode invoke the `enterPipMode` function, the parameters passed to it are optional hmsSDK.enterPipMode(aspectRatio: [16, 9], autoEnterPip: true); // method to check whether PIP mode is available for current device bool isPipAvailable = await hmsSDK.isPipAvailable(); // method to check whether PIP mode is active currently bool isPipActive = await hmsSDK.isPipActive();
  • Added roomPeerCountUpdated type in HMSRoomUpdate

  • Added isPlaybackAllowed to Remote Audio & Video Tracks to check if the track is allowed to be played locally

  • Added convenience APIs to Mute / Unmute Audio or Video of the entire room locally


  • Corrected parsing of HMSMessage objects sent Server-side APIs
  • Session Metadata can now be reset to a null value
  • Importing Native Android SDK dependency from Maven Central instead of Jitpack
  • HMSTrackSettings is now nullable while building the HMSSDK object
  • Corrected usage of Native Util functions to fetch Audio & Video tracks
  • Corrected default local audio track settings for iOS devices
  • Corrected sending of peer count in HMSRoom instance on iOS

Updated to Native Android SDK 2.5.1 & Native iOS SDK 0.4.7

Full Changelog: 0.7.8...1.0.0

0.7.8 - 2022-10-31

  • Added support for Joining with Muted Audio & Video on iOS devices
  • Added Maven Central repository to look for Android dependencies
  • Added support for receiving Server-side HMSMessage
  • Added HMSLogSettings to configure Native Android SDK logs
  • Corrected setters for local audio/video track settings while building the HMSSDK object
  • Updated to Native Android SDK 2.5.1 & Native iOS SDK 0.4.6

Full Changelog: 0.7.7...0.7.8

0.7.7 - 2022-10-20

  • Added ability to set & get session metadata
  • Added ability to join with muted audio & video using Initial states (Muted / Unmuted) HMSVideoTrackSettings & HMSAudioTrackSettings in the builder of HMSSDK
  • Added better Telemetrics for analytics
  • Added option to use Software Decoder for Video rendering on Android devices
  • Added action result listener to switchCamera function on local video track
  • Fixed LetterBoxing (Black borders on top and bottom) observed when sharing the screen in landscape mode on Android
  • Fixed incorrect sending of Speaker Updates when peer has left the room
  • Removed unused setters for Local Audio & Video Track Settings
  • Updated to Native Android SDK 2.5.0 & Native iOS SDK 0.4.5

Full Changelog: 0.7.6...0.7.7

0.7.6 - 2022-09-23

  • Added audio output change listener callback while in Preview on Android
  • Added API to show Native Audio Output Picker on iOS
  • Corrected an issue where audio was always coming from the Earpiece instead of Built-In Speaker on iOS
  • Fixed an issue where audio gets distorted when headset is used while sharing audio playing on iOS
  • Updated HMSException class. Added canRetry attribute

Full Changelog: 0.7.6...0.7.5

0.7.5 - 2022-08-18

  • Added support on iOS for sharing audio from local files on your device & from other audio playing apps
  • Added ability to apply local peer track settings while initializing HMSSDK
  • Added APIs to fetch local peer track settings
  • Fixed an issue where exiting from Preview without joining room was not releasing camera access
  • Added destroy API to cleanup Native HMSSDK instance correctly
  • Disabled Hardware Scaler on Android to correct intermittent Video tile flickering
  • Updated to Native Android SDK 2.4.8 & Native iOS SDK 0.3.3

0.7.4 - 2022-07-29


  • Added APIs to stream device audio in different modes
  • Added APIs to view and change the output speaker selected by the SDK to play out
  • setAudioMode API to change the Audio out mode manually between in-call volume and media volume


  • Calling switchCamera API leads to triggering of onSuccess callback twice
  • onRoomUpdate with type HMSRoomUpdate.ROOM_PEER_COUNT_UPDATED not getting called when peer count changes in the room
  • Peer not able to publish tracks when updated to WebRTC from HLS if rejoins after a reconnection in WebRTC Mode


  • HMSHLSConfig is now an optional parameter while calling startHLSStreaming and stopHLSStreaming
  • The meetingUrl parameter is optional while creating the HMSHLSMeetingURLVariant instance for HMSHLSConfig. If nothing is provided HMS system will take the default meetingUrl for starting HLS stream
  • changeRoleForce permission in HMSRole is now removed and no longer used
  • recording permission in HMSRole is now broken into - browserRecording and rtmpStreaming
  • streaming permission in HMSRole is now hlsStreaming

0.7.3 - 2022-06-23

  • Added support for iOS Screen-share
  • Added HMSHLSRecordingConfig to perform recording while HLS Streaming
  • Updated error callback in HMSUpdateListener to onHMSError
  • Updated to Native Android SDK 2.4.2 & Native iOS SDK 0.3.1

0.7.2 - 2022-06-02

  • Segregated RTC Stats update notifications from HMSUpdateListener into HMSStatsListener
  • Removed room_peer_count_updated from HMSRoomUpdate enum
  • Added sessionId to the HMSRoom class
  • Updated to Native Android SDK 2.3.9 & Native iOS SDK 0.3.1

0.7.1 - 2022-05-20

  • Added RTC Stats Listener which provides info about local & remote peer's audio/video quality
  • Improved video rendering performance for Android devices
  • Correct RTMP Streaming & Recording configuration settings
  • Added support for Server-side Subscribe Degradation
  • Updated to Native Android SDK 2.3.9 & Native iOS SDK 0.2.13

0.7.0 - 2022-04-19


  • Network Quality in preview. Network quality reports can now be requested at the preview screen. Use the returned value to determine if you should suggest people's internet is too slow to join with video etc.

  • Network Quality during calls. Peer Network Quality updates are now received during the call. Use this to show how strong any peer's internet is during the call.

  • Added HLS Recording to initial PeerList

  • onPeerUpdate and onRoomUpdate callbacks in 'HMSPreviewListener' to get info about the room at Preview screen

  • Added startedAt and stoppedAt field for Browser and SFU recording


  • Error Analytics events not being sent

  • Leave not finishing if SDK is in reconnection state. Hence all join calls after that was getting queued up if called on the same HMSSDK instance

  • Improved subscribe degradation so that new add sinks are handled properly when SDK is already in degraded state

  • Crash fix on starting/stopping HLS where HlsStartRecording was null

  • HLS recording status wasn't always updated when stopped

  • Rare crash when cameras are unavailable and it seemed to the app like none exist

  • Updated to Native Android SDK 2.3.4 & Native iOS SDK 0.2.9

0.6.0 - 2022-01-25

Breaking Change

  • Updated Change Role APIs argument types
  • Changed messaging APIs argument types
  • Updated argument types of changeTrackState, changeRole, acceptRoleChange, changeTrackStateForRoles APIs


  • Added HLS Support. Now you can Start/Stop HLS Streaming from Flutter SDK
  • Added support to do ScreenShare from Android device


  • Updated callbacks for Permission based action APIs

0.5.0 - 2022-01-15

Breaking Change

  • Renamed SDK Public interface to HMSSDK class
  • Updated HMSConfig object which is used to join the room


  • Added APIs to change remote track status
  • Added APIs to start/stop Recording
  • Added APIs to change metadata of local peer which can be used to implement raise hand functionality
  • Added API to change name of local peer
  • Added API to get current room status
  • Added API to get peer audio/video status
  • Added new Group & Direct Peer messaging APIs
  • Added volume setter & getter APIs on audio tracks
  • Added Action Result Listeners to notify success or failure of API invocations


  • Updated HMSException object with isTerminal
  • Changed sendMessage API to sendBroadcastMessage to send a message to all peers in room
  • Changed HMSMessageResultListener to HMSActionResultListener in messaging APIs
  • Video Rendering flow for Android & iOS video tracks
  • Preview API implementation


  • Reconnection issues wherein even when network recovered, peer could not rejoin the room
  • Cleaning up config object whenever room is joined/left

0.4.1 - 2021-12-03

  • Added matchParent boolean on video view

0.4.0 - 2021-10-22

  • Updated messaging APIs
  • Added audio level, peer & track object in HMSSpeaker
  • Updated track source type to string
  • Updated sample app

0.3.0 - 2021-10-14

  • Corrected crash on using getLocalPeer
  • Updated sample app

0.2.0 - 2021-10-07

This version of 100ms Flutter SDK comes loaded with bunch of features & improvements like -

  • Improved low network performance
  • Added Active Speaker listener
  • Resolved build conflicts on iOS
  • Added APIs to Change Role of a Peer
  • Added APIs to Mute Audio/Video of a Remote Peer
  • Added APIs to End a Room
  • Updated Chat messaging APIs to enable Broadcast, Group & Personal
  • Improved Reconnection after network switch/loss
  • Improved Interruption Handling when a Meeting is ongoing

0.1.0 - 2021-08-17

The first version of 100ms Flutter SDK comes power-packed with support for multiple features like -

  • Join/Leave Rooms
  • Mute / Unmute Audio / Video
  • Switch Camera
  • Chat
  • Preview Screen
  • Change Role
  • Network Switch Support
  • Subscribe Degradation in bad network scenarios
  • Error Handling and much more.

Take it for a spin 🥳

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