Whiteboard (Beta)

The 100ms SDK provides robust APIs for integrating whiteboard collaboration into your conferencing sessions. Participants can engage in real-time by drawing, writing, and collaborating on a shared digital whiteboard. This documentation outlines how to implement the start and stop functionality for a whiteboard and display it within a WebView.

Minimum Requirements

  • Minimum 100ms SDK version required is 1.9.0
  • User roles must be configured to enable whiteboard functionality via the 100ms dashboard for starting or viewing the whiteboard.

Displaying the Shared Whiteboard

To incorporate the shared whiteboard into your application, subscribe to whiteboard updates using the WhiteboardUpdateListener provided by the interactivity center of HMSSDK. Below is an example implementation in Swift:

let webview: WKWebView? ... hmsSdk.interactivityCenter.addWhiteboardUpdateListener { [weak self] whiteboard, updateType in switch updateType { case .started: // Open the whiteboard url in a webview webview = WKWebView() let whiteboardUrl = whiteboard.url let request = URLRequest(url: whiteboardUrl) webView.load(request) // show the webview in app UI ... break case .stopped: // close the webview webView.removeFromSuperview() webview = nil break @unknown default: break } }

You can see above that the HMSWhiteboard object that you get in the WhiteboardUpdateListener callback has a url property. You load this url in a WKWebview to show the whiteboard. Note: It's crucial to close the WebView when the whiteboard session is stopped to release resources.

Starting and Stopping the Whiteboard

The shared whiteboard can be started and stopped in the room using the startWhiteboard() and stopWhiteboard() methods.

// Start whiteboard sdk.interactivityCenter.startWhiteboard() { success, error in if let error = error { // handle error } } // Stop whiteboard sdk.interactivityCenter.stopWhiteboard() { success, error in if let error = error { // handle error } }

Note: Please note that you don't need any additional handling to start/stop the whiteboard. The WhiteboardUpdateListener will get called upon calling startWhiteboard() and stopWhiteboard() APIs. Thus showing/hiding of WebView is already taken care of in one place.

How to know if whiteboard feature is enabled/available in the current room

After joining the room you can check isWhiteboardEnabled property on the interactivityCenter like below:

func on(join room: HMSRoom) { let isWhiteboardEnabled = hmsSDK.interactivityCenter.isWhiteboardEnabled ... }

How to know if a role is allowed to show/hide whiteboard

Every peer has a role assigned. This HMSRole object contains whiteboard permissions in a whiteboard permission object. You can check what whiteboord permissions the current user has like below:

let userRole = localPeer.role let whiteboardPermissions = userRole.permissions.whiteboard let isUserAdmin = whiteboardPermissions.admin let canWrite = whiteboardPermissions.write let canRead = whiteboardPermissions.read

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