Set Track Settings (Video/Audio)

Sometimes it is required to customize local peer's Audio & Video track settings while creating instances of 100ms SDK.

These settings are optional parameters and are meant to be passed in the HMSSDK function as the hmsTrackSetting parameter which is an HMSTrackSetting object.

Set Audio Track Settings

For the audio track, we have the following settings:

- useHardwareAcousticEchoCanceler

Property to enable Hardware echo cancellation. It's set to false by default which implies that Software Echo Cancellation is enabled by default. Passing a true value here forces the device to use the phone's Hardware Acoustic echo Cancellation instead of relying on the 100ms' Software-based implementation.

- audioSource

Property to configure audio nodes for audio sharing.(iOS Only) More info about this can be found here

- trackInitialState

Property to set the audio track's initial state, i.e. Mute/Unmute. More info about this can be found here

We can create HMSAudioTrackSetting with these properties:

//To join with muted audio HMSAudioTrackSetting audioTrackSetting = HMSAudioTrackSetting( useHardwareAcousticEchoCanceler: true, trackInitialState: HMSTrackInitState.MUTED);

- audioMode

Property to set the audio mode i.e. MUSIC or VOICE. More info about this can be found here

//To join with `MUSIC` mode and muted audio HMSAudioTrackSetting audioTrackSetting = HMSAudioTrackSetting( trackInitialState: HMSTrackInitState.MUTED, audioMode: HMSAudioMode.MUSIC);

- phoneCallState (Android Only)

Property to set the microphone state when you receive a phone call. phoneCallState is an enum of type HMSAndroidPhoneCallState which can be set to the following values:

enum HMSAndroidPhoneCallState { /// To keep the microphone unmuted while receiving a phone call DISABLE_MUTE_ON_VOIP_PHONE_CALL_RING, /// To mute the microphone while receiving a phone call ENABLE_MUTE_ON_PHONE_CALL_RING, }

🔑 Note: If you set the phoneCallState to DISABLE_MUTE_ON_VOIP_PHONE_CALL_RING then too the microphone gets muted if you accept the call. In this case you will get onRoomUpdate callback with type as roomMuted as the call starts and roomUnmuted as the call ends.

//To mute the microphone when you receive a call HMSAudioTrackSetting audioTrackSetting = HMSAudioTrackSetting( phoneCallState: HMSAndroidPhoneCallState.ENABLE_MUTE_ON_PHONE_CALL_RING );


  • For Android Versions >= 12

You need to add the call permissions in AndroidManifest.xml file as follows:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE"/> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PHONE_NUMBERS" />

In Dart, if you are using the permission_handler package, make sure to request the following permission before joining the room:

void getPermissions(){ await; }

Set Video Track Settings

For the video track, we can set the following properties:

- cameraFacing

Property specifies which camera to open while joining. It can be toggled later on. The default value is HMSCameraFacing.FRONT.

HMSCameraFacing.FRONT HMSCameraFacing.BACK

- disableAutoResize

The SDK intelligently downscales the resolution when publisher's bandwidth is flaky or is CPU bound. This results in a low resolution for the viewers. But if the viewers are persistent they want the highest resolution at all times, then this setting comes in handy. The default value is set as false

- trackInitialState

Property to set the initial state of the video track i.e Mute/Unmute. More info about this can be found here

- forceSoftwareDecoder

This can be used when a lot of videos are rendered at a single time. It is known that the hardware decoder on certain phones doesn't tend to work well with large grids. This may cause an adverse effect like the phone heating up, use this flag only when required. The default value is set as false.(Android Only)

We can create HMSVideoTrackSetting with these properties:

//To join the room with muted video but with a back camera HMSVideoTrackSetting videoTrackSetting = HMSVideoTrackSetting( cameraFacing: HMSCameraFacing.BACK, trackInitialState:HMSTrackInitState.MUTED, forceSoftwareDecoder: true);

Passing track settings in HMSSDK constructor

Here's a sample implementation of adding track settings while initializing 100ms SDK -

HMSAudioTrackSetting audioTrackSetting = HMSAudioTrackSetting( useHardwareAcousticEchoCanceler: false, trackInitialState: HMSTrackInitState.UNMUTED ); HMSVideoTrackSetting videoTrackSetting = HMSVideoTrackSetting( cameraFacing: HMSCameraFacing.FRONT, trackInitialState: HMSTrackInitState.UNMUTED ); HMSTrackSetting trackSetting = HMSTrackSetting( audioTrackSetting: audioTrackSetting, videoTrackSetting: videoTrackSetting ); HMSSDK hmsSDK = HMSSDK(hmsTrackSetting: trackSetting);

We can fetch the track Setting using the method after the build method is called as follows -

HMSTrackSetting trackSetting = hmsSDK.getTrackSettings();

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