
The 100ms SDK provides robust APIs for integrating whiteboard collaboration into your conferencing sessions. Participants can engage in real-time by drawing, writing, and collaborating on a shared digital whiteboard. This documentation outlines how to implement the start and stop functionality for a whiteboard and display it within a WebView.

Minimum Requirements

  • Minimum 100ms SDK version required is 1.10.2
  • User roles must be configured to enable whiteboard functionality via the 100ms dashboard for starting or viewing the whiteboard.

How to display whiteboard

To display the shared whiteboard into your application, subscribe to whiteboard updates using the HMSWhiteboardUpdateListener provided by HMSSDK. Below is an example implementation:

class Meeting implements HMSUpdateListener,HMSActionResultListener, HMSWhiteboardUpdateListener{ ... ///Here [this] is an instance of a class that implements HMSWhiteboardUpdateListener, i.e., Meeting void addWhiteboardUpdateListener(){ HMSWhiteboardController.addHMSWhiteboardUpdateListener(listener: this); } void removeWhiteboardUpdateListener(){ HMSWhiteboardController.removeHMSWhiteboardUpdateListener(); } void onWhiteboardStart({required HMSWhiteboardModel hmsWhiteboardModel}) { ///Get the url from hmsWhiteboardModel and load it in a webview String? whiteboardUrl = hmsWhiteboardModel.url; } void onWhiteboardStop({required HMSWhiteboardModel hmsWhiteboardModel}) { ///Close the webview } ... }

To start listening to the updated call addWhiteboardUpdateListener and to stop listening call removeWhiteboardUpdateListener.

Here HMSWhiteboardModel is a class containing the whiteboard url and other details. Let's look at the class definition:

class HMSWhiteboardModel { ///[id] is the unique identifier of the whiteboard final String id; ///[owner] is the owner of the whiteboard who started the whiteboard final HMSPeer? owner; ///[title] is the title of the whiteboard final String? title; ///[url] is the url of the whiteboard which can be used to display whiteboard final String? url; ///[isOwner] is a boolean which tells if the current user is the owner of the whiteboard final bool? isOwner; ///[state] is an enum of type [WhiteboardState] which tells the state of the whiteboard final hmsWhiteboardState state; }

To show whiteboard in a webview, we can use webview_flutter package. Below is an example implementation:

class WhiteboardWebView extends StatefulWidget { const WhiteboardWebView({Key? key}) : super(key: key); State<WhiteboardWebView> createState() => _WhiteboardWebViewState(); } class _WhiteboardWebViewState extends State<WhiteboardWebView> { late WebViewController _controller; void initState() { super.initState(); _controller = WebViewController() ..setJavaScriptMode(JavaScriptMode.unrestricted) ..setBackgroundColor(const Color(0x00000000)) ..setNavigationDelegate( NavigationDelegate( onNavigationRequest: (_) { return NavigationDecision.navigate; }, onProgress: (int progress) {}, onPageStarted: (String url) {}, onPageFinished: (String url) {}, onWebResourceError: (WebResourceError error) { log("Error occured in whiteboard tile: ${error.description}"); }, ), ); } void dispose() { ///Here we add any random url to stop the webview _controller.loadHtmlString("https://www.100ms.live/"); super.dispose(); } Widget build(BuildContext context) { /// `whiteboardUrl` is the URL of the whiteboard we get from HMSWhiteboardModel return WebViewWidget(controller: _controller..loadRequest(Uri.parse(whiteboardUrl))); } }

How to start and stop whiteboard

Start Whiteboard

To start whiteboard in the room, use the startWhiteboard method provided by HMSSDK. Below is an example implementation:

class Meeting implements HMSUpdateListener,HMSActionResultListener, HMSWhiteboardUpdateListener{ ... HMSWhiteboardModel? whiteboardModel; void startWhiteboard() async{ ///Before starting whiteboard check whether the peer has permission to start whiteboard ///[localPeer] is the peer that is trying to start whiteboard if(localPeer?.role.permissions.whiteboard?.admin){ HMSException? error = await HMSWhiteboardController.start(title: "Provide title here"); if (error != null) { ///Log the error here } }else{ ///Peer does not have permission to start whiteboard } } void onWhiteboardStart({required HMSWhiteboardModel hmsWhiteboardModel}) { ///After starting the whiteboard we will get the whiteboard url here ///Get the url from hmsWhiteboardModel and load it in a webview String? whiteboardUrl = hmsWhiteboardModel.url; whiteboardModel = hmsWhiteboardModel; } void onWhiteboardStop({required HMSWhiteboardModel hmsWhiteboardModel}) { ///Close the webview whiteboardModel = null; } ... }

Stop Whiteboard

To stop whiteboard in the room, use the stopWhiteboard method provided by HMSSDK. Below is an example implementation:

class Meeting implements HMSUpdateListener,HMSActionResultListener, HMSWhiteboardUpdateListener{ ... HMSWhiteboardModel? whiteboardModel; void stopWhiteboard() async{ ///Before stopping whiteboard check whether the peer has permission to stop whiteboard ///and is the owner of the whiteboard ///[localPeer] is the peer that is trying to stop whiteboard if(localPeer?.role.permissions.whiteboard?.admin && whiteboardModel?.isOwner ?? false){ HMSException? error = await HMSWhiteboardController.stop(); if (error != null) { ///Log the error here } }else{ ///Peer does not have permission to stop whiteboard or is not the owner of the whiteboard } } void onWhiteboardStart({required HMSWhiteboardModel hmsWhiteboardModel}) { String? whiteboardUrl = hmsWhiteboardModel.url; whiteboardModel = hmsWhiteboardModel; } void onWhiteboardStop({required HMSWhiteboardModel hmsWhiteboardModel}) { ///After stopping the whiteboard we will get the update here ///Close the webview whiteboardModel = null; } ... }

After calling stop ensure disposing the widget which contains WebViewWidget similar to the implementation below:

void dispose() { ///Here we add any random url to stop the webview _controller.loadHtmlString("https://www.100ms.live/"); super.dispose(); }

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