Track recordings

A track represents a single media stream published into the WebRTC session captured from a device's camera or microphone. Multiple tracks can be sent by each peer. Broadly, they are categorised into 2 types:

  • Video track - contains video data captured from a video source such as a camera or desktop screen capture
  • Audio track - contains audio data captured from an audio source such as a microphone

Track Recording Basics

  1. Track recordings start automatically when the first peer joins a room, and stops automatically when the last peer leaves the room.
  2. Recorded track assets are of type track and are available via Recording Asset APIs and track webhook events.
  3. Multiple track recording assets can be available for a single peer. For example, for a 1:1 call for Peer A and Peer B, with both publishing audio, video and desktop screen, there shall be 3 track assets for each peer.
  4. Recording assets will be available within a few minutes of a successful recording event.

Some of the use cases of recording a track:

  • Integrating with custom composition workflows where tracks (video/audio) from specific participants are composed together in a single recording file
  • Integrating with AI workflows for transcription/ translation/ participant insights/ object detection

Guide to setup track recordings

Say there’s a 1:1 call where we want to record the Host and Co-Host tracks individually for a post production edit.

Setup track recordings

Track recordings can be enabled for your template through the 100ms Dashboard. Refer this section to set up track recordings→

Start a track recording

Once enabled for a template, track recording gets auto-started when first peer joins the corresponding room. Track recordings cannot be started from client side or API.

Track recording events

  1. 100ms notifies you when a recording starts for a track with track.recording.started.successevent for every peer.
  2. Once the recording is completed successfully, track.recording.success event is sent with the details on the recorded file path and associated metadata.
  3. A track.recording.failure webhook event is sent if an individual track recording fails.

Get Track Assets

A successfully recorded track generates a recording asset of type track. Refer here for all recording assets types on 100ms. For successful track recordings, get track recording assets using

  1. Using List Recording Assets API get the all tracks recording assets for a session_id and asset_type=track
  2. Store the id as corresponding asset identifier of each track.
  3. Call the Get Presigned URL Asset API using the track's asset_id to download the actual recording.

Resources on Track Recording

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