Build attendance


This guide will help you understand various approaches available to calculate total session duration, aggregated participants' duration, and individual participants' duration for a specific session.

We recommend two approaches:

  1. Use the Retrieve a specific session API to get the individual participants' duration, total session duration, and aggregated participants' duration.
  2. Use the data export option available on Sessions page in your 100ms dashboard to get the total session duration and aggregated participants' duration.

Please follow the below sections for more details with examples.

Using Sessions API

Use this API to build the attendance system to gather information about peers for a session, such as join/leave timestamps, duration, peer_id, user_id, etc.

Let's take a quick look at the overall flow of how we can build this:

Listen to session.close.success webhook event

Listen to the session.close.success webhook event, which indicates that the particular session has ended.

// Build attendance'/webhooks', async function (req, res) { var eventType = req.body.type; var sessionId =['session_id']; // Listen to the session.close.success webhook event if (eventType === 'session.close.success') { console.log('Session has ended'); try { console.log(sessionId); } catch (err) { console.log(; } } else console.log('Some other event'); });

Fetch details of peers - Sessions API

Once you receive the webhook, fetch session_id and trigger the Retrieve a specific session API to fetch details of all the peers who participated in the session.

// Trigger Retrieve a session API to fetch details of all peers in the session. var response = await axios({ method: 'get', url: baseUrl + '/sessions/' + sessionId, headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${managementToken}` } }); var parsedData =;

Calculate the individual participants' duration

  • Calculate the individual participants' duration by finding the difference between the joined_at and left_at fields for the respective peer
    • Map the duration against peer_id or user_id (your internal user identifier used while creating the auth token for peers).


  • 100ms generates a peer_id (unique identifier) every time a peer joins a room. If a peer leaves and re-joins the room, they will be assigned a new peer_id.
  • A user_id will be unique to a peer as it's associated with the auth token they use to join the room. The below example uses user_id to avoid duplicate entries for a single peer.
// Calculate individual participants' duration const peers = Object.values(parsedData.peers); const detailsByUser = peers.reduce((acc, peer) => { const duration = moment .duration(moment(peer.left_at).diff(moment(peer.joined_at))) .asMinutes(); const roundedDuration = Math.round(duration * 100) / 100; acc[peer.user_id] = { "name":, "user_id": peer.user_id, "duration": (acc[peer.user_id]?.duration || 0) + roundedDuration }; return acc; }, {}); const result = Object.values(detailsByUser); console.log(result);

Calculate aggregated participants' duration

Calculate aggregated participants' duration by adding the duration of all the peers.

// Calculate aggregated participants' duration const totalDuration = result .reduce((a, b) => a + b.duration, 0) .toFixed(2); console.log(`Total duration for all peers: ${totalDuration} minutes`);

Calculate total session duration

Calculate total session duration by finding the difference between created_at and updated_at timestamps.

// Calculate total session duration const sessionDuration = moment .duration(moment(parsedData.updated_at).diff(moment(parsedData.created_at))) .asMinutes() .toFixed(2); console.log(`Session duration is: ${sessionDuration} minutes`);

Example output

Check the below example to understand how you can store the data in your preferred database for later review.

[ { name: 'username1', user_id: 'user1', duration: 2.42 }, { name: 'username2', user_id: 'user2', duration: 2.37 } ] Total duration for all peers: 4.79 minutes Total session duration is: 2.42 minutes

Check the complete code sample below.

Using data export - 100ms dashboard

100ms provides a simple way to extract the Sessions data to create reports using the exported data. Please follow the below steps:

  • Go to the Sessions page on your dashboard.
  • Click on the download icon next to "Your Sessions" at the top of the page.
  • This will initiate a data export request that will be shared as a CSV file via email to your account email address.

Example CSV

The exported data will contain data for fields such as:

  • session_id,
  • room_id,
  • created_at (session start time),
  • recording_enabled (recording status),
  • total_peers,
  • participant duration (aggregated duration for all peers),
  • session_duration, and
  • recording_duration (only available for SFU recording at the moment).


Other possible methods

  • You can use the peer.leave.success webhook event for a specific session to calculate individual participants' duration and aggregated participants' duration.
    • From the webhook events fetch details of joined_at and left_at fields for each peer and find the difference to calculate individual participants' duration.
    • Find the sum of the duration for all the peers to calculate the aggregated participants' duration.
  • If you need to get the duration of an ongoing session, you can use the below logic:
    • Use Retrieve a specific session API to fetch details of individual peers currently active in the session.
    • Find the difference between the value for joined_at and current_time (use some library to get the current time) to get the current duration.

Complete code example - Using sessions API

var express = require('express'); var app = express(); var bodyParser = require('body-parser'); var axios = require('axios'); var jwt = require('jsonwebtoken'); var moment = require('moment'); var uuid4 = require('uuid4'); var baseUrl = ''; var app_access_key = '<YOUR_APP_ACCESS_KEY>'; var app_secret = '<YOUR_APP_SECRET>'; app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: false })); app.use(bodyParser.json()); var managementToken = jwt.sign( { access_key: app_access_key, type: 'management', version: 2, iat: Math.floor( / 1000), nbf: Math.floor( / 1000) }, app_secret, { algorithm: 'HS256', expiresIn: '24h', jwtid: uuid4() } ); // Build attendance'/webhooks', async function (req, res) { var eventType = req.body.type; var sessionId =['session_id']; // Listen to the session.close.success webhook event if (eventType === 'session.close.success') { console.log('Session has ended'); try { // Trigger Retrieve a session API to fetch details of all peers in the session. var response = await axios({ method: 'get', url: baseUrl + '/sessions/' + sessionId, headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${managementToken}` } }); var parsedData =; // Calculate individual participants' duration const peers = Object.values(parsedData.peers); const detailsByUser = peers.reduce((acc, peer) => { const duration = moment .duration(moment(peer.left_at).diff(moment(peer.joined_at))) .asMinutes(); const roundedDuration = Math.round(duration * 100) / 100; acc[peer.user_id] = { "name":, "user_id": peer.user_id, "duration": (acc[peer.user_id]?.duration || 0) + roundedDuration }; return acc; }, {}); const result = Object.values(detailsByUser); console.log(result); // Calculate aggregated participants' duration const totalDuration = result .reduce((a, b) => a + b.duration, 0) .toFixed(2); console.log(`Total duration for all peers: ${totalDuration} minutes`); // Calculate total session duration const sessionDuration = moment .duration(moment(parsedData.updated_at).diff(moment(parsedData.created_at))) .asMinutes() .toFixed(2); console.log(`Session duration is: ${sessionDuration} minutes`); } catch (err) { console.log(; } } else console.log('Some other event'); }); app.set('port', process.env.PORT || 2400); app.listen(app.get('port'), function () { console.log('Node app is running on port', app.get('port')); });

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