Virtual Background Plugin


The Virtual Background Plugin helps in blurring or adding an image as the background of a video frame. This guide provides an overview of usage of the Virtual Background Plugin of 100ms.

Supported Versions/Resolutions

  • Minimum 100ms SDK version it can work with is 2.9.58
  • Minimum 100ms Room Kit version it can work with is 1.2.18
  • Has poor fps on older android phones

Add dependency

If not using room kit:

Adding the Virtual Background plugin and SDK dependency to your app-level build.gradle.

dependencies { // See the version in the badge above. def hmsVersion = "x.x.x" implementation "live.100ms:android-sdk:$hmsVersion" // Essential implementation "live.100ms:virtual-background:$hmsVersion" }

In Prebuilt/RoomKit

Enable it from the dashboard, go to Customize Prebuilt -> Screens and Components -> (scroll down the left pane) Virtual Background.

How to Integrate Virtual Background Plugin:


💡On instantiating Virtual Background Plugin

Always call addPlugin() after onJoin() from hmsSDK.join() or onPreview() from hmsSDK.preview()

val hmsSDK = HMSSDK .Builder(application) .build() val virtualBackGroundPlugin by lazy { HMSVirtualBackground(hmsSDK) } //call this after onJoin() or after onPreview() fun addVirtualBackgroundPlugin() { if (hmsSDK.getLocalPeer()?.videoTrack != null) { hmsSDK.addPlugin(virtualBackGroundPlugin, object : HMSActionResultListener { override fun onError(error: HMSException) {} override fun onSuccess() { } }) } }
💡On instantiating Virtual Background Plugin

This is a async operation. It takes a few seconds on some devices to start. You can add a UI loader on onSuccess() callback

Now let's take a look at the method signature of HMSVirtualBackground.

Enable Blur Background

Enable the blur background functionality using the following method. You can optionally pass blur percentage ranging from 0-100


Enable Image Background

Enable the background image functionality by providing a bitmap image:

virtualBackgroundPlugin.enableBackground(bitmap: Bitmap)

Get Blur Percentage

Gets blur percentage of a non-person in a video frame. Value is between 0 to 100 default is 75.


Remove/Detach Virtual Background Plugin

To remove/detach video plugin at runtime:

hmsSDK.removePlugin(virtualBackgroundPlugin, object : HMSActionResultListener { override fun onError(error: HMSException) {} override fun onSuccess() {} })

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