

The Android SDK provided by 100ms offers support for starting and stopping a whiteboard feature using a WebView. This feature allows users to collaborate on a shared digital whiteboard in real-time. However, it's important to note that for a user to be able to start or view the whiteboard, their role must have the whiteboard functionality enabled in the 100ms dashboard.

Supported Versions

  • Minimum 100ms SDK version it can work with is 2.9.53

WebView configuration for whiteboard

To make sure whiteboard work correctly with android's WebView the follwing configuration needs to be added.

webview.apply { settings?.javaScriptEnabled = true settings?.domStorageEnabled = true }

Listen for whiteboard updates

When the HMSWhiteboardUpdateListener is triggered, it will receive an instance of HMSWhiteboardUpdate, which can be one of two types:

  • HMSWhiteboardUpdate.Start: Indicates that the whiteboard has been started.
  • HMSWhiteboardUpdate.Stop: Indicates that the whiteboard has been stopped.
val hmsSDK = HMSSDK .Builder(application) //application context .build() //setting up whiteboard listener. hmsSDK.getHmsInteractivityCenter().setWhiteboardUpdateListener(object : HMSWhiteboardUpdateListener { override fun onUpdate(hmsWhiteboardUpdate: HMSWhiteboardUpdate) { when(hmsWhiteboardUpdate) { is HMSWhiteboardUpdate.Start -> //handle start is HMSWhiteboardUpdate.Stop -> //handle stop } } })

Start whiteboard update

When the HMSWhiteboardUpdateListener receives an instance of HMSWhiteboardUpdate.Start, it indicates that the whiteboard has been started. In this case, you can load the url from HMSWhiteboard class into a Webview. This will render the whiteboard on the webview.

Stop whiteboard update

When the HMSWhiteboardUpdateListener receives an instance of HMSWhiteboardUpdate.Stop, it indicates that the whiteboard has been stopped. In this case, you can implement the necessary logic to handle the stop of the whiteboard, such as hiding the webview visibility.

HMSWhiteboard model

HMSWhiteboard model is returned on both start/stop of the HMSWhiteboardUpdate. The model contains information releated to the current whiteboard in the session.


  • id: A unique identifier for the whiteboard session.
  • title: The title or name of the whiteboard session
  • owner: The HMSPeer object representing the owner of the whiteboard session. This property can be null if the owner information is not available.
  • isOwner: A boolean flag indicating whether the current user has started the whiteboard session.
  • isAdmin: A boolean flag indicating whether the current user can start/stop the whiteboard session.
  • url: The link to the whiteboard session.
  • isOpen: A boolean flag indicating whether the whiteboard session is currently open and active.

Starting/Stopping whiteboard

Starting whiteboard

To start a whiteboard, ensure that the role has the appropriate permission and the current whiteboard is not already open. The callback will be sent as HMSWhiteboardUpdate.Start in setWhiteboardUpdateListener().

Note: Remember to check if the peer starting whiteboard has owner permission

val currentWhiteBoardModel : HMSWhiteboard? = //you can get HMSWhiteboard model from HMSWhiteboardUpdate if (currentWhiteBoardModel == null || currentWhiteBoardModel?.isOpen == false) { localHmsInteractivityCenter.startWhiteboard( title = <Add your whiteboard title>, object : HMSActionResultListener { override fun onError(error: HMSException) {} override fun onSuccess() {} }) }

Stopping whiteboard

To stop currently opened whiteboard make sure the role has appropriate permission and the current whiteboard session is opened by the user. The callback will be sent as HMSWhiteboardUpdate.Stop in setWhiteboardUpdateListener().

val currentWhiteBoardModel : HMSWhiteboard? = //you can get HMSWhiteboard model from HMSWhiteboardUpdate //early exit if the whiteboard is already closed and the peer didn't start the whiteboard if (currentWhiteBoardModel?.isOpen == true && currentWhiteBoardModel.isOwner.not()) return if (currentWhiteBoardModel?.isOpen == true) { localHmsInteractivityCenter.stopWhiteboard(object : HMSActionResultListener{ override fun onError(error: HMSException) {} override fun onSuccess() {} }) }

If the isOwner is true in HMSWhiteboard model then user has to refresh and close the WebView to make the whiteboard session stop.

Note: Only owner can close the currently opened whiteboard session


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