Session Store

Session store is a shared realtime key-value store that is accessible by everyone in the room. Consider it as additional data associated with the session at the top level. Session store can be utilized to implement features such as pinned text, spotlight (which brings a particular peer to the center stage for everyone in the room), and more.

The session store persists throughout the session and is cleared when the last peer leaves the room.

💡 Session Store vs Peer Metadata

While peer metadata is associated with individual peers and each peer can have their own metadata, session store remains the same for every peer in the room.


SDK version 1.6.0 or higher

How to use

Session store is only available after user joins the session. To use session store, you need to obtain a reference to the HMSSessionStore class instance, you can add an event listener for the HMSUpdateListenerActions.ON_SESSION_STORE_AVAILABLE event on HMSSDK instance using the addEventListener method. Once you get the reference to the session store you can save it in your app for accessing later.

import { HMSSessionStore, HMSUpdateListenerActions, HMSSDK } from '@100mslive/react-native-hms'; ... const hmsInstance = await; // subscription function for `ON_SESSION_STORE_AVAILABLE` event const onSessionStoreAvailableListener = (data: { sessionStore: HMSSessionStore; }) => { // Saving `sessionStore` refernce in global store // We can use this `HMSSessionStore` instance to get/set value from/on room session dispatch(saveSessionStoreInstance({ hmsSessionStore: data.sessionStore })); }; // Adding event listener for `ON_SESSION_STORE_AVAILABLE` event hmsInstance.addEventListener( HMSUpdateListenerActions.ON_SESSION_STORE_AVAILABLE, onSessionStoreAvailableListener, );

Setting a value for a specific key

You can use the set method on HMSSessionStore class instance to set a value for a specific key. Once a value is assigned, it will be available for other peers in the room who are listening for changes in value for that specific key.

Note that you can only use string or null types as value. Use string type for setting a value for any key and use null as value to clear value already set for any key.

However, if you want to set an object as a value for a key, then you can serialize it with JSON.stringify method call, and use the resulting string as a value.

// Example 1: Setting a value for `pinnedMessage` key const messageToPin = 'Jatin Nagar: hello world'; await hmsSessionStore.set( messageToPin, // Value for `pinnedMessage` key 'pinnedMessage', // key ); ... // Example 2: Clearing value of `pinnedMessage` key await hmsSessionStore.set( null, // Value for `pinnedMessage` key 'pinnedMessage', // key ); ... // Example 3: Setting an serialized `object` as a value const config = { adminName: 'Jatin Nagar' }; const serializedConfig = JSON.stringify(config); await hmsSessionStore.set( serializedConfig, // Value for `pinnedMessage` key 'pinnedMessage', // key );

Retrieving a value for a specific key

Retrieve the current value once

You can obtain the value of any specified key on session store using the get method available on HMSSessionStore class instance. Note that you will not get updates for any change in value of the specified key, get method returns the latest value at the time it was called.

try { // 'pinnedMessage' will be `string` type if value for `pinnedMessage` key is set on session store, // or `null` or `undefined` otherwise const pinnedMessage: string | null | undefined = await hmsSessionStore.get('pinnedMessage'); // Handle pinned message as per your usecase } catch (error) { // Handle error console.log('Error while getting value for `pinnedMessage` key: ', error); }

Retrieve the current value and receive updates

Most of the time the application is interested not just in a current value of a key but also any updates to that value. To obtain the initial value and receive updates, you can use the addKeyChangeListener method available on HMSSessionStore class instance.

It takes a 'list of keys' to observe as first parameter and a callback function as second parameter that will be called for initial value and every time an update is received.

This 'callback' function receives any error occured (or null if no error occured) while adding the listener as first parameter and actual data that we are interested in as second parameter.

The second parameter 'data' has key and value which are both of string types.

// Adding key change listener for `spotlight` & `pinnedMessage` keys on Session Store hmsSessionStore.addKeyChangeListener( // list of keys to observe ['spotlight', 'pinnedMessage'], // callback function which is called initially and every time an update is received ( error: string | null, // any error occurred while adding key change listener data: { key: string; value: string | null | undefined } | null; ) => { // If error occurs, handle error and return early if (error !== null) { console.log( '`spotlight` & `pinnedMessage` key listener Error -> ', error, ); return; } // If no error, handle data if (data !== null) { switch (data.key) { case 'spotlight': { // Handle spotlight tile change console.log('value for `spotlight` key: ', data.value); break; } case 'pinnedMessage': { console.log('value for `pinnedMessage` key: ', data.value); break; } } } } );

Also, You can have multiple key change listeners running concurrently.

Stop listening to updates for keys

When you don't want to receive key change updates anymore, you can remove these change listeners. addKeyChangeListener method returns a 'subscription' object, which has remove method on it, you can call remove method on a 'subscription' object to remove key change listener added for that particular subscription.

// refer to "Retrieve the current value and receive updates" section // for more details about adding key change listener React.useEffect(() => { // `subscription` for this particular key change listener const subscription = hmsSessionStore.addKeyChangeListener(...); return () => { // call `remove` method on above `subscription` to remove key change listener subscription.remove(); } }, [hmsSessionStore]);

It is recommended to remove all the key change listeners while leaving the room or when the room is ended.

Limitations and workarounds in Alpha release

  • There is no permission support, which means anyone can read/write session metadata. If you want to restrict access to session metadata, you have to implement it at the app level logic.
  • Locks are required to ensure consistency of the data. If two peers update the data at the same time, it may result in a race condition where the last update overwrites the previous ones.

👀 For an example of how to implement pinned chat support using session store in a React Native app with the 100ms SDK, checkout our example project.


  • Max payload size for data can be 1KB.
  • Maximum 100 keys are supported with 64KB limit applied to all keys combined.
  • Metadata size for 64 KB also include the key size.

That's it. You are all set to use Session Store.

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