SIP Outbound


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100ms’ SIP bridge allows you to bridge participants on SIP calls by using a third-party service (like Twilio, Telnyx) into your 100ms room.

A SIP outbound trunk enables customers to set up credentials for outbound communication from 100ms room.

This documentation details the steps to create and update a SIP outbound trunk for outbound communication, as well as to initiate an outbound call. It includes API endpoints and sample JSON payloads for these procedures.

Create an outbound trunk - Provision 100ms room for SIP dial-out

This API allows you to set up a dedicated trunk and generate a trunk_id which is required before initiating an outbound call from a 100ms room.

Most SIP trunks provide a username and password for authentication along with a SIP address. Additionally, you are also required to purchase a phone number from the PSTN to the SIP service provider. For our example requests and tests, we’ve used Twilio.


API Endpoint


//Request Body { "username": "<USERNAME>", "password": "<PASSWORD>", "address": "<trunk-name>", // Twilio has been used as an example. This could be any SIP trunk provider's address. "from": "+971667*****" }

Request arguments

usernameSIP Credentials shared by the SIP Trunk service provider
passwordSIP Credentials shared by the SIP Trunk service provider
addressThis is the SIP address of the SIP Trunk service provider.
fromThis is the phone number acquired from the SIP Trunk service provider.

These credentials are used for authentication when bridging the call between the SIP Trunk and 100ms' SIP bridge. They are usually provided by all major service providers. For Twilio, follow these steps:

  1. Create an account on Twilio.
  2. Get a phone number. Refer this.
  3. Create a SIP Credential Resource - username and password.
  4. Get the address → Twilio Documentation


{ "id": "4a3b7c9d91" }

Trunk Object

idThis is the trunk_id for the newly created trunk.

Initiating an outbound call

This API initiates a SIP call from a 100ms room to the SIP destination.

The API will be blocked and will not share a response until the caller has either received or denied the call. In case, you want to initiate another call from the same trunk, the API can be called again.


API Endpoint


Headers: Authorization: Bearer <Management Token>

//Request body { "to": "+971776656", "name": "Alex", "user_id": "", "room_code": "xxx-xxxx-xxx", "trunk_id": "4a3b7c9d91" }

Request cURL Example

curl --location --request POST '' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer <MANAGEMENT TOKEN>' \ --data '{ "to": "+16692418750", // Phone Number "name": "Alex", // Name shown when the peer accepts the call and joins the room through SIP "user_id": "", "room_code": "***-abc-***", "trunk_id": "65c6700f340713c4f7d*****" } '

Request Arguments

toGenerally phone number of an identifier that the trunk service understands.Yes
namePeer name to be shown when the peer on voice call accepts and joins the call.No
user_idA 'user_id' is an internal identifier that you can use to map a 100ms peer object to your internal user object. It's a unique identifier for each user in your system. You can pass the 'user_id' to 100ms when you generate an auth token for a user to join a room.No
room_codeThis is a unique encrypted shortcode generated by 100ms for a given Role and Room. A Room Code represents a unique role and room_id combination.Yes
trunk_idID of the trunk to be used for this outbound call. This is generated using the ‘Create an outbound trunk’ APIYes

To get a room code, refer to the following documentation:

  1. Getting room codes from the dashboard and authentication
  2. Room Code API


{ "id": "a8b7c9d9e7f74" // This is the call ID }

Error Responses

Error CodeMessageDescription
408timed outRequest time out
400to is mandatoryIn case of missing mandatory arguments
400room_code is mandatoryIn case of missing mandatory arguments
400trunk_id is mandatoryIn case of missing mandatory arguments

Update an outbound trunk

This API allows you to update an existing outbound trunk in case of any changes in the SIP trunk credentials, SIP address, or phone number.


API Endpoint


//Request Body { "username": "<USERNAME>", "password": "<PASSWORD>", "address": "", "from": "+1667666****" }
Path ParameterDescription
trunk_idID of the trunk to be modified. This is generated using the ‘Create an outbound trunk’ API.


{ "id": "4a3b7c9d91" }

Trunk Object

idThis is the trunk_id for the updated trunk.

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