Track Events

Track Events can be used to understand the participant's activity during the session, It would get you the reference points in time for example when the user has unmuted audio, shared screen, or stopped the video. Every event has a mute property to determine mute status at the time of the event.

Following are the three types of events published for a track,

track.add.success: Published when a track is added

track.update.success: Published when a user has unmuted/muted the track.

track.remove.success: Published when the track has ended

Kind of a track (for example audio, video, video screenshare) can be determined by type and source parameter in the track event object.

curl --location --request GET \ '<room_id>' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer <management_token>'

Allowed Filters

Refer Overview for all the allowed filters.

Track Event Object

room_idstringUnique identifier of the room (Example: 5f9edc6bd238215aec7700df)
session_idstringUnique identifier of the session (Example: 5f9edc6bd238215aec7700df)
room_namestringRoom name provided when creating the room
peer_idstringUnique identifier of the peer/participant
user_idstringYour internal user identifier
user_namestringUser name of the user
joined_attimestamp (in UTC)Timestamp when the peer joined the session in RFC3339 format for example 2022-02-09T05:53:23.375Z
rolestringPeer role
track_idstringTrack id
stream_idstringReference to internal stream object
typestringType of track (values: audio, video)
sourcestringSource of input (values: regular, screen)
muteboolMute state of track at the time of event
started_attimestamp (in UTC)Track start time in RFC3339 format for example 2022-02-09T05:53:23.375Z.
stopped_attimestamp (in UTC)Track stop time in RFC3339 format for example 2022-02-09T05:53:23.375Z (only specified in track.remove.success event)
Status: 200 OK
{ "limit": 3, "total": 6, "next": "e88863db-094e-4cf0-b126-ad7840ee24f0:Zv2ehb7:0~Cxn9G9I9AhU-Jl6RiYr-_XEmSYnnk-QLC3Kw4oF1ddvLTE-V4sAEdj8Fi2mx2R93iC1Mu5agwUCY7-LJhH6Ch2yWpp35E3zS7C998Vt3R-s=", "events": [ { "version": "2.0", "id": "5ff0ce7b-0901-4566-8962-7543613b0456", "timestamp": "2023-02-23T10:12:00.78311898Z", "type": "track.add.success", "data": { "room_id": "633a78ee3bea2af508356a34", "session_id": "63f73bf05223403c9671c5c9", "room_name": "exp", "peer_id": "c8e85ab4-d533-4de0-ba7c-4c58a4de6c74", "user_id": "187a1a92-150f-4506-83b7-d8a1cd716fb0", "user_name": "John", "joined_at": "2023-02-23T10:12:00.587243415Z", "role": "host", "track_id": "d3c7a05d-81ee-48a0-8a6a-ec36be966312", "stream_id": "cc6934ca-0c91-4cb7-8a97-293be2d0d8a8", "type": "audio", "source": "regular", "mute": true, "started_at": "2023-02-23T10:12:00.781851067Z" } }, { "version": "2.0", "id": "ff3242c5-9838-4979-8f71-23fdd98cc319", "timestamp": "2023-02-23T10:20:52.911740569Z", "type": "track.update.success", "data": { "room_id": "633a78ee3bea2af508356a34", "session_id": "63f73bf05223403c9671c5c9", "room_name": "exp", "peer_id": "c8e85ab4-d533-4de0-ba7c-4c58a4de6c74", "user_id": "187a1a92-150f-4506-83b7-d8a1cd716fb0", "user_name": "John", "joined_at": "2023-02-23T10:12:00.587243415Z", "role": "host", "track_id": "d3c7a05d-81ee-48a0-8a6a-ec36be966312", "stream_id": "cc6934ca-0c91-4cb7-8a97-293be2d0d8a8", "type": "audio", "source": "regular", "mute": false, "started_at": "2023-02-23T10:12:00.781851067Z" } }, { "version": "2.0", "id": "f64ebeec-9ab2-4d36-b445-affe5cda90a0", "timestamp": "2023-02-23T10:22:30.720047276Z", "type": "track.remove.success", "data": { "room_id": "633a78ee3bea2af508356a34", "session_id": "63f73bf05223403c9671c5c9", "room_name": "exp", "peer_id": "c8e85ab4-d533-4de0-ba7c-4c58a4de6c74", "user_id": "187a1a92-150f-4506-83b7-d8a1cd716fb0", "user_name": "John", "joined_at": "2023-02-23T10:12:00.587243415Z", "role": "host", "track_id": "d3c7a05d-81ee-48a0-8a6a-ec36be966312", "stream_id": "cc6934ca-0c91-4cb7-8a97-293be2d0d8a8", "type": "audio", "source": "regular", "mute": false, "started_at": "2023-02-23T10:12:00.781851067Z" "stopped_at": "2023-02-23T10:22:30.718237635Z" } } ] }

Why would you use this API?

  • You can use track events exposed by this API to build tools around user activity which can help you calculate,

    • "How long a participant was unmuted?"
    • "How long did the teacher turn on their video in the class?"
    • "When did a presenter share their screen?"
  • Active duration of a peer can be calculated as follows,

    • Fetch events by specifying peer_id/user_id in the query parameter, this would limit events only to specified peer/user.
    • For each track identifiable with track_id you can check type and source properties in the event to find out if track is audio, video, screenshare. (for example if you are looking for audio events, you can check for type: audio, source: regular)
    • For all events that share the same 'track_id', we must calculate the total of duration between an event when a participant unmutes and next event when they mute themselves. Refer the pseudocode below.
    ## track_events is a list of track add, update, remove events having the same track id duration = 0 last_event = track_events[0] ## this would be a track.add.success event while event in track_events[1...n] if == true duration += (event.timestamp - last_event.timestamp) ## last event would have mute = false else last_event = event end

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