HLS Timed Metadata

HLS Timed Metadata feature helps you synchronise certain events with the HLS stream. This can be useful for showing interactive quizzes / product overlays etc.


  • Active HLS stream
  • react-sdk min version: 0.3.0

Sending HLS Timed Metadata

To add HLS timed metadata cue to the currently running HLS stream use sendHLSTimedMetadata API like this:

export interface HLSTimedMetadata { payload: string; // limited to 100 chars duration: number; } sendHLSTimedMetadata(metadatalist: HLSTimedMetadata[]): Promise<void>;

Receiving HLS Timed Metadata

Receiving Payload structure

The HLS timed metadata payload send is base64 encoded string. It can be decoded to as shown below.

{ "payload": "payload sent by the user", "start_date": "2023-02-06T07:24:11.259+0000", "end_date": "2023-02-06T07:24:21.259+0000", "hms_version": "v1.1" }

start_date and end_date will be in UTC timezone.

App side implementation

Note: We're working on making this simpler - if you'd like to try out the feature in beta, please reach out to us on Discord or at hello@100ms.live

Below is an app side sample integration using hls.js.

import Hls, { Fragment, LevelParsed } from 'hls.js'; const videoEl; // reference for video element const hlsUrl; // reference to hls url // Extract textTrack const extractMetaTextTrack = (): TextTrack | null => { const textTrackListCount = videoEl?.textTracks.length || 0; for (let trackIndex = 0; trackIndex < textTrackListCount; trackIndex++) { const textTrack = videoEl?.textTracks[trackIndex]; if (textTrack?.kind !== 'metadata') { continue; } textTrack.mode = 'showing'; return textTrack; } return null; }; // sync time with cue and trigger event const fireCues = (currentAbsTime, tolerance) => { const cues = extractMetaTextTrack()?.cues if (!cues) { return } const cuesLength = cues.length; let cueIndex = 0; while (cueIndex < cuesLength) { const cue: TextTrackCue = cues[cueIndex]; if (cue.queued) { return } // here we are converting base64 to actual data. const data: Record<string, any> = metadataPayloadParser(cue.value.data); const startDate = data.start_date; const endDate = data.end_date; const timeDiff = new Date(startDate).getTime() - currentAbsTime; const duration = new Date(endDate).getTime() - new Date(startDate).getTime(); if (timeDiff <= tolerance) { setTimeout(() => { const toast = { title: `Payload from timed Metadata ${data.payload}`, duration: duration, }; console.debug("Added toast ", JSON.stringify(toast)); cue.queued = false; }, timeDiff); cue.queued = true; } cueIndex++; } }; // handle time update listener const handleTimeUpdateListener = () => { // extract timed metadata text track const metaTextTrack: TextTrack | null = extractMetaTextTrack(); if (!metaTextTrack || !metaTextTrack.cues) { return; } const firstFragProgramDateTime = videoEl?.getStartDate(); const currentAbsTime = new Date(firstFragProgramDateTime).getTime() + (videoEl?.currentTime || 0) * 1000 // fire cue for timed meta data extract fireCues(currentAbsTime, 0.25); }; /** * Metadata are automatically parsed and added to the video element's * textTrack cue by hlsjs as they come through the stream. * in FRAG_CHANGED, we read the cues and emit HLS_METADATA_LOADED * when the current fragment has a metadata to play. */ const fragChangeHandler = (_: any, { frag }: { frag: Fragment }) => { try { if (videoEl.textTracks.length === 0) { return; } const fragStartTime = frag.programDateTime || 0; const fragmentDuration = frag.end - frag.start; fireCues(fragStartTime, fragmentDuration); } catch (e) { console.error('FRAG_CHANGED event error', e); } }; /** * initialize HLSController and add event listeners. */ if (Hls.isSupported()) { const hls = new Hls(); hls.loadSource(hlsUrl); hls.attachMedia(videoEl); hls.on(Hls.Events.FRAG_CHANGED, fragChangeHandler); } else if (videoEl.canPlayType("application/vnd.apple.mpegurl")) { // when hls.js is not supported and native player supports HLS playback videoEl.src = hlsUrl; videoEl.addEventListener("timeupdate", handleTimeUpdateListener); }

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