Join Room

To join and interact with others in audio or video call, the user needs to join a room.

When user indicates that they want to join the room, your app should have -

  1. User Name - the name which should be displayed to other peers in the room.
  2. Auth Token - the client side authentication token generated by the Token Service.

You can also optionally pass these fields -

  1. settings: {isAudioMuted, isVideoMuted} - you can use this to set the initial audio/video state at time of join.
  2. User metadata - this can be used to pass any additional metadata associated with the user.
  3. ICE server config - you can use custom STUN/TURN servers for media connection. A sample config is defined below:
iceServers: [{ urls: [""], // supports multiple URLs userName: "userName", password: "password" }]

We'll call the join method on hmsActions object with a config containing above fields to join the room.

Note: join is async from this version

import { hmsActions } from './hms'; const config = { userName: 'Jon Snow', authToken: '<Auth token>', // client-side token generated from your token service settings: { isAudioMuted: true, isVideoMuted: false }, metaData: JSON.stringify({city: 'Winterfell', knowledge: 'nothing'}), rememberDeviceSelection: true, // remember manual device change }; await hmsActions.join(config);

That's it. You have joined a room successfully 🥳. You should now be able to have an audio only call with this.

Getting Current Room State

You might want to hide your join form from the UI or navigate to another page when the join has completed. We provide some selectors which operate upon the room state to give the relevant information. One such selector is selectIsConnectedToRoom. Here's how to use it -

import { hmsStore } from './hms'; import { selectIsConnectedToRoom } from '@100mslive/hms-video-store'; // use getState to get the state at any time console.log('isConnected - ', hmsStore.getState(selectIsConnectedToRoom)); function onRoomStateChange(connected) { console.log('isConnected - ', connected); } // you can also subscribe to the state and get your function called whenever the state changes hmsStore.subscribe(onRoomStateChange, selectIsConnectedToRoom);

For more granular room states, use selectRoomState.

Leaving a room

Leaving a room should be quick. Once a user wishes to end their interaction in the room, they can choose to leave the meeting. 👋

We provide a simple, no fuss API to do exactly that. Invoke the leave method using hmsActions. You can use the current room state to render the UI accordingly post leave.


Leave on Navigating Away

If the user closes the tab without calling leave you might seem them as stuck for a few seconds for remote peers. This is because our server assumes that there might be a network issue and keeps a buffer waiting for the peer to rejoin. For this reason, it is important to call the leave api if we detect the user navigating away from the page. This includes, refreshing or closing the tab. We can set up leave to be called on window unload event.

window.addEventListener('beforeunload', () => hmsActions.leave()); window.addEventListener('onunload', () => hmsActions.leave());

Leave on tab close is automatically done when using HMSRoomProvider from our @100mslive/react-sdk. If you don't want to leave on page leave or tab close, you can opt out of this by passing the following prop.

<HMSRoomProvider leaveOnUnload={false} />

Note: Leave does not happen on page unload in all browsers. For example, iOS Safari and Chrome, this doesn't happen as there won't be enough time for the leave request to be completed.

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